Symptomatic relief (post hoc analysis)

Symptomatic relief (post hoc analysis)

Patients on ZEPOSIA achieved rapid symptomatic relief one week after
completing the 7-day dose titration (post hoc analysis)1

Symptomatic response* in the
TRUE NORTH induction period

Adapted from Siegmund B et al. 2022.1

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Patients on ZEPOSIA achieved higher rates of symptomatic remission vs placebo as early as Week 5 after treatment initiation ​(post hoc analysis)1

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Adapted from Siegmund B et al. 2022.1

*Symptomatic response was defined as a decrease from baseline of ≥1 point and ≥30% in the adapted partial Mayo score (sum of the RBS, SFS, and Physician Global Assessment subscore, ranging from 0–9 points) and a decrease of ≥1 point from baseline in RBS or an absolute RBS ≤1 point.1​
Data are based on the non-responder imputation.1​
Symptomatic remission was defined as a RBS of 0 points and a SFS ≤1 point (and a decrease of ≥1 point from the baseline SFS).1​

CI, confidence interval; RBS, rectal-bleeding subscore; SFS, stool-frequency subscore.​


  1. Siegmund B et al. Poster presented at: European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation, Virtual; 16–19 February, 2022. Poster: DOP43.​

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