ZEPOSIA (ozanimod) was generally well tolerated
for up to 4 years

ZEPOSIA (ozanimod) was generally well tolerated for up to 4 years

ZEPOSIA (ozanimod) was generally well tolerated
for up to 4 years

ZEPOSIA (ozanimod) was generally well tolerated for up to 4 years

ZEPOSIA was generally well tolerated in patients with moderate-to-severe
UC for up to 4 years (interim analysis)*1

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Adapted from Siegel CA et al. 2024.1

*Data were collected from the beginning of TRUE NORTH through data cutoff of June 30, 2023. At data cutoff, patients (N=823) had completed 142 weeks of ZEPOSIA treatment during the OLE or discontinued prior to completing OLE Week 142.1
EAIRs were calculated as numbers of patients/PY x 100.1​
Laboratory values were flagged by the central laboratory if they fell outside the standard reference range; investigators decided whether laboratory values qualified as AEs.1​
§One new death due to pancreatic adenocarcinoma, which was considered to be unrelated to ZEPOSIA, was reported.1​

AE, adverse event; ALC, absolute lymphocyte count; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AV, atrioventricular; COVID, coronavirus disease; EAIR, exposure-adjusted incidence rate; OLE, open-label extension; PY, patient-years; TEAE, treatment-emergent adverse event; UC, ulcerative colitis. ​

The incidence of TEAEs and serious TEAEs with ZEPOSIA at 4 years was
consistent with the 3-year data (interim analysis)*†1

Blue icon with arrows pointing outwards, representing a zoom optionPinch & zoom to explore

Adapted from Siegel CA et al. 2024.1
*Data were collected from the beginning of TRUE NORTH through data cutoff of 10 January, 2022.1
Data were collected from the beginning of TRUE NORTH through data cutoff of 30 June, 2023.1
EAIRs were calculated as number of patients/PY x 100.1
EAIR, exposure-adjusted incidence rate; PY, patient-years; TEAE, treatment-emergent adverse event.​


  1. Siegel CA et al. Oral presentation at: European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation; Stockholm, Sweden; 21–24 February, 2024.​

Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at: UK – www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard, or search for MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play or Apple App Store. Ireland-via HPRA Pharmacovigilance at www.hpra.ie Adverse events should also be reported to Bristol-Myers Squibb via medical.information@bms.com or 0800 731 1736 (UK); 1800 749 749 (Ireland).

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Job: 2084-GB-2300276 Date of Preparation: June 2023